People’s Trust Insurance Company Preferred Contractor Endorsement
The above link is a PDF containing a letter from People’s Trust Insurance Company to a policy holder discussing the purchasing of their homeowner’s insurance policy. The following is an excerpt from the above letter. Click the link for additional information found in the full letter.
When you purchased your homeowner’s insurance policy (“Policy”) with People’s Trust lnsurance Company (“PTI”), you elected to receive a discounted premium in exchange for electing the Preferred Contractor Endorsement (“Endorsement”). The Endorsement allows PTI to make repairs to your property after a covered loss utilizing Rapid Response Team, LLC® (“RRT”), PTI’s preferred contractor.
Please note that in accordance with this Endorsement, if you have a covered loss such as a water damage loss and emergency repairs are necessary, you must notify PTI so we may select Rapid Response Team to perform emergency water mitigation services. This applies even if someone else is recommending that you contact or hire another company to perform the emergency water mitigation services.
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